Our Charter | Pakistan Professionals Wing

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Mission Statement

Pakistan Association Dubai – Professionals Wing, a non-political group of professionals, was established with a view to afford its members a means of social interaction among themselves, with other resident communities in UAE and with the nationals of the UAE. The Professionals Wing affords a platform to professionals to contribute to the community through its various sub-committees focused on specific areas of assistance. The Wing also endeavors to forge national unity and cohesion among Pakistanis and to improve the image of Pakistan and Pakistanis in the U.A.E.

Aims and Objectives


  • To promote social, professional and intellectual activities for Pakistanis residing in the UAE.
  • To improve and enhance the image of Pakistan through better communication and understanding with other nationalities and in particular with nationals of the UAE.
  • To assist Associations of Pakistanis in the UAE in the fulfillment of their objectives.
  • To support educational institutions, activities and charitable causes in general and specially for the benefit of Pakistanis.
  • To work for and promote the interest of Pakistan and its citizens.
  • To enhance and enlarge the scope of participation of Pakistani Professional in the economic development of Dubai in particular, and the whole of the UAE, in general.
  • To keep in touch with the developments in Pakistan and to invite prominent Pakistanis in the fields of education, finance, engineering, medicine, management and banking or in any other field which the Wing may consider appropriate for the purpose of arranging symposia, seminars and lectures in the UAE.
  • To hold symposia, workshops and seminars for Pakistanis themselves on various technical subjects.



The Constitution of Pakistan Association Dubai – Professionals Wing consists of by-laws and rules which over it’s area of activities, membership rules, objectives, formation and proceedings of the Executive Committee and sub-working committees, general body meetings, payment of subscription fees, application of funds, resignation and expulsion, amendment of by-laws and rules, disputes/interpretation, dissolution and indemnity.